Frrrrriday Rrrrroundup! #19

tiny toy cowboy figure with lasso

An end-of-weekly roundup collecting fffffive of the fffffantabulous things I find stumbling around the web during the week here, but which I post on one of the many other Internet outlets I stop by (or tweet at) during my travels. More about the genesis here.

What can you make with an iPad? Only the world's coolest cover of "Eye of the Tiger." [Facebook-ed, via daring fireball]

If you're one of those seven people who reads here because you actually dig and want to learn more about communicating, you might enjoy this excellent round-up of marketing and copywriting books. [delicious-ed]

Speaking of tigers, a particular Chinese one has its eye on my pal Chris Guillebeau's upcoming book. [Flickr-faved]

"Believe me, no one likes to read blog posts about people who are smug about how they have solved all the problems of the world. I mean, look, you either are winning a Nobel Prize or you do not have any answers." This, and so much more on Putting It Out There, is why I love Penelope Trunk.  [Tumbld]

Danny Miller's fantabulous (with a twist!) tribute to the late Patricia Neal. [Google-Reader-ed]


Image by williac via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license.

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