Landmarks in language

Jeremy Wagstaff has highjacked a number of actual U.K. village names and put them to excellent use in his Geek's Lexicon. My favo(u)rites:

  • aynho (n) Someone who forwards inane jokes, hoax virus alerts and cutesy e-mails to everyone in their address book, however much they're asked not to. Usage: Who is the aynho that keeps sending Saddam jokes?
  • foindle (v) The (usually) unconscious act of stroking a much loved gadget in public.
  • melbury bubb (n) The noise of people talking on their handphone on public transport, unaware they are driving fellow commuters to distraction. How was your day, dear? Fine, but the melbury bubb on the train home was awful. What's for dinner?

Unhappy with the time it's taking for these excellent new-to-us words to enter the mainstream, Wagstaff has seized the reins and submitted a few to Harper Collins' new Living Dictionary/Word Exchange project:

  • chettle (collective n) The debris, such as crumbs, dead insects and lint, that gets stuck inside your computer keyboard.
  • hordle (v) The noise a modem makes when it is trying to connect to the Internet. As in: My modem isn't working. I can't hear it hordle.

  • whitnash (n) The pain in your shoulder at the end of a long laptop-carrying trip. As in: The trip went fine, but I've got serious whitnash and need a bubble bath.

Supporting these wonderful additions to the, um, English language requires but a trip to the Word Exchange and a brief registration. Come on, you know you wanna. I mean, what are you, some kind of aynho?

xxx c