Referral Friday: BrownBag Books

brownbagbooks journals

Referral Friday is part of an ongoing series inspired by John Jantsch's Make-a-Referral Week. For more about that, and loads more referrals for everything from cobblers to coaches to gee-tar teachers, start here. Pass it on, baby!

I've said it before about the web, and now I'm going to say it again about stuff in general: the more there is, the more we need smart people to curate it for us.

Brown Bag Books is one such curator, and they are, saints be praised!, a curator of books. Possibly the finest curators of books I've come across in 10 or more years, if the bagsful of books The BF and I walked away with from their tiny stall at the Silver Lake Crafts Market is any sign.

img_0314_cropOh, yes, did I mention they travel? That's their thing, really. They're a traveling roadshow of books. Awesome, awesome books. Because they have a good eye, and because, as they say on their site, they take no crap. (No offense, consumers of crap! And hey, I'm a consumer of crap myself at times; I just don't like it mixed in with my good stuff.)

Their schedule is up on their website. It's, er, a bit out of date. I'm sure it's not that they don't want to sell you books. In fact, I'm sure it's because they're avid consumers of books themselves, and they get around to the rest of it as time permits. Check back often. You will fall in love with this little traveling bookshow. You will fall in love with the books themselves. Quite possibly, you will be like me and fall in love with the lovingly crafted journals made from recycled hardback bookcovers, with cool, Easter-egg-surprise touches inside.

Brown Bag Books
P.O. Box 3502
Running Springs, CA 92382
phone: 909-890-7453
brownbagbooksinfo AAAAT yahoo DOOOOT com
and at a location near you, if you're lucky