What's up & what's gone down :: August 2010

cat looking back at itself in mirror
A mostly monthly but forever occasional round-up of what I've been up to and what I plan to be. For full credits and details, see this entry.

Colleen of the future (places I'll be)

  • August L.A. Biznik Happy Hour at Jerry's Famous (Wednesday, August 11; 5:30 - 8) TODAY! Co-hosted by my friend and colleague Heather Parlato, this is a really low-key, easy way to get out and meet some likeminded solopreneur and small biz types. Free, but join Biznik here first (which, hooray!, is also free). And this is my last one until October, as next month I'll be in Portland, speaking at...
  • Ignite Portland 9 (Thursday, September 23, Bagdad Theatre, 5:30/door, 7pm start) Holy moly! I got accepted again! I guess they either liked last year's talk okay or forgot about it. Either way, I'll be serving up a new and delicious thingamabobby in five minutes and 20 unstoppable (literally!) slides in just over six weeks. If yer in town, come say "hi!"
  • Your Actor MBA (available for pre-purchase now; episodes starting Labor Day) Holy crap on a cracker, did I ever have a good time talking Actor Mind Taffy with my friend, Bonnie Gillespie, and the talented bunch of people she and her people pulled together. This is my sight-unseen plug, for which I receive NOTHING. And have received NOTHING. Except a great afternoon of talking shop with smart talent, a couple of new acquaintances, and an orchid (which, sorry, Bon, I had to give away. I'm just no good with the delicate fucking flowers.)

Colleen of the Past (stuff I did you might not know about)

  • fear.less magazine (July 2010) Ishita Gupta's inspiring digital mag, downloadable as a free PDF file, is full of reasons BESIDES me to read it. But yeah, there'a a pretty great interview with me in it, which I mainly credit Ishita for. She is a dreamy, dreamy visionary, in all senses of the word(s).
  • StoryWorthy podcast My new L.A.-storytelling-circuit pal, Christine Blackburn, had me on her new L.A. storytelling podcast to tell the story of the colorectal surgeon who fell so head-over-heels with me, he wanted to build me a new rectum. Sexy! And true!
  • Coudal Partners Fresh Signals The fine folk at America's greatest mutual purveyor of links and groovy note-taking supplies put up with me and my freaky links to writing-related and totally random stuff for the entire month of July, then gave me a fab tour of HQ when I was in town. Thanks, Jim & Co.! And thanks, Alissa Walker, for recommending me! Hope I didn't shame anyone too much.
  • The World-Changing Writing Workshop Pace & Kyeli invited me to teach one of the segments of their new-model online/tele-writing classes. And it kicked ass! Well, people said so, anyway, and I had a blast. I'm working my way through all the other segments now. Once I'm sure everything is copacetic, and if they offer a recorded version for sale, I will let you know! And you will buy it from me, and I will be rich! Rich! RICH! (Well, no, but as I very rarely recommend things for purchase, if I do, it would be super-nice if you did buy it through me.)
  • Amazon (video) book review I'm playing around with these for now, but it's my intention to start creating some kind of review for every book I read, mainly, so that the book sticks in my head, and so that I keep myself honest reading it. This review is of a super-light read, Debbie Ford's The Best Year of Your Life, self-help, and fluffy self-help, to boot. Still, I got a few worthy things from it, and if you're the kinda-sorta person who enjoys video more than writing, you might like it. (Although honestly, if you are, I cannot imagine what you're doing on this wordy-ass blog.)

Colleen of the Present (ongoing projects)

  • communicatrix | focuses My monthly newsletter devoted to the all-important subject of increasing your unique fabulosity. One article per month (with actionable tips! and minimal bullsh*t!) about becoming a better communicator, plus the best few of the many cool things I stumble across in my travels. Plus a tiny drawing by yours truly. Free! (archivessign-up)
  • Act Smart! is my monthly column about marketing for actors for LA Casting, but I swear, you'll find stuff in it that's useful, too. Browse the archives, here.
  • Internet flotsam And of course, I snark it up on Twitter, chit-chat on Facebook, post the odd video or quote to Tumblr, and bookmark the good stuff I find on my travels at StumbleUpon and delicious. If you like this sort of stuff, follow me in those places, I only post a fraction of what I find to Twitter and Facebook.


Image by madnzany via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license.